Keyword List

Psychosocial wellbeing

The Effects of parental loss on the psychosocial wellbeing of AIDS-orphaned children living in AIDS-impacted communities: Does gender matter?

Communities in sub-Saharan Africa continue to bear the biggest share of the global HIV/AIDS burden compared to the rest of the world. In 2012, an estimated 23.5…

Psychosocial wellbeing of orphan and vulnerable children at orphanages in Gondar Town, North West Ethiopia

The aim of this study was to explore the psychosocial problems and coping strategies of orphan and vulnerable children living in two orphanages, namely Yenege Tesfa…

Psychosocial wellbeing of orphaned children in selected primary schools in Tanzania

Psychosocial wellbeing is among the important components of the general wellbeing of an individual and crucial for children's survival and development. The current…